These stories often begin as a strange idea or sentence. First they're written longhand in a book, usually in one sitting. If a story has potential (or is coherent enough, as with some of the earlier examples!), I then rewrite it on computer and it becomes a Silly Short. Oh, and in case you find yourself wondering, no -- I wasn't "on" anything when I wrote these ;)

26 "Deepest Impressions" A mysterious painter who has an uncanny ability.
25 "Mr. Sockforahead Doesn't Live Here Anymore" The evil sock-puppet returns from the dead... again!
24 "When You Wish Upon A Chocolate Bar" A casino patron who's down on his luck discovers a very unlikely genie.
23 "On The Spot Orchestra" Meet Gim Gibbly, who bravely risks life and limb to provide a score to the nightly news.
22 Infiltration At The North Pole A Silly Shorts Christmas special, as it were! Find out what really goes on in Santa's workshop.
21 "Organ Grinder" Times are tough for organ-grinder Pasquale Serdivici.
20 "Jelly Trekkin'" When jelly trekkin' in cactus country, beware!
19 "Gnomes Don't Live In Thorn Bushes!" Or do they?
18 "The Return Of Mr. Sockforahead" The evil sock puppet returns! Who better to usher in the new html story format! Illustrated, to boot!
17 "Interview With God" Find out what the big dude has to say after millenia of silence.
16 "Fart Auction" Come on down and put in a bid! A finer day out there has never been.
15 "Sandwichmaker Of The North" What do you do when you've got a sasquatch on your tail, and you have a sled-load of sandwich-fixin's to deliver?
14 "Hotel Nowhere" What do you do when you're stranded in the woods? Look for the nearest hotel, of course.
13 "Death Of A Sock Puppet" This one speaks for itself.
12 "Promised Land" A man with two swine badly needs transportation. What did you expect? It's silly.
11 Viruscan! Viruscan! A story that was actually considered for publication (shock! horror!) About a pesky computer virus with delusions of grandeur.
10 "More True Confessions" This time around find out what The Energizer Bunny, Mr. Clean, Toucan Sam, Tarzan, and Lassie have to say.
09 "True Confessions" The show that has the dirt on Pop-n-fresh, Mr. Ed, Popeye, Superman, and Gumby.
08 "Voyage Of The Scunge Scavenger Part 2" What will become of the Scunge Scavenger in the sewers?
07 "Voyage Of The Scunge Scavenger Part 1" The dishwater is nothing but murk, will the crew of the Scunge Scavenger make it to the bottom of the sink?
06 "Fantabulous Fondue Fluffup" Where did Zigwop's fondue spoon go? And who is that mysterious duck?
05 "Sportsocks" Come on down to the parking lot and watch the Socky game!
04 "Food Guy" The tastiest Superhero that ever lived.
03 "Bollong's Beanbag" The Uglumps have captured Bollong's Beanbag. What will he do?
02 "Watching The Wonods" Wonod watchers, grab your gear and go in search of these elusive creatures!
01 "King of the Door-To-Door Salesmen" Meet the man who can sell you anything.


All stories are Copyright (c) 1998 - 2003 by Joshua M. Blanc.

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