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The world is so weird I needed more than one page for these pictures :) All links will open in a new window.

This poor smiley-face-sticker became a homeless smudge bumming food in the Wal-mart parking lot.
This 60's peace & love mural was on the basement wall (It's since been painted over).
These artisticly-challenged splats were on the opposite wall (they have also been painted over)!
In Canada, slides are made of asphalt.
Truly a sight to see - a composting display at the back of the City Works.
The Quesnel City Float, in all it's glory!
Where shopping-trolleys go to die.
This one couldn't afford to be buried next to its kin.
Where dumpster's go to die.
You don't say?
Heaven forbid there should be a fire.
What kind of beer do they brew here, exactly?
It's Muffin Theresa!
Mmmmmm... fresh water.
Mork lives, and is here on earth!
There really is one.
And what do you find in the loonie department? Loonie baskets, of course.
And fish pens.
And toothbrushes with toothpaste already on them.
And squishy safety-toys with blurbs like this.
Where I live, the museum is small enough to fit in this box. Note the stuffed Canadian in the back.
They *tried* to beaver-proof these trees, but no-one suspected they'd be packin' chainsaws.
Yessirree Jim-Bob, the New Champlin Cyclopedia For Young Folks.
Yet another winner, all the new dumpsters in town (see "dumpster graveyard" on page 1) are equipped with this sticker.
Hello, 911? My phone's been stolen!

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